Panamá, the perfect place for teak

In recent years, teak cultivation in Panama has flourished into a significant industry, thanks to favorable climatic conditions, numerous international companies in the sector, and the country’s political and economic stability. As a result, Panama is now on its way to becoming the world’s leading producer of high-quality teak.

Perfect climate for Teak

Heavy rainfall - 2500 mm/year

A dry season of 3-4 months per year.

No temperature variations throughout the year.

Fertile soil

Panamá: Will be the leading teak supplier of the world.

Panama has:

  • Perfect Climate for Teak.
  • Industrial sawmill.
  • Political and market stability.
  • Reforestation law since 1992.
  • Panama Canal => cost-effective logistics and transportation.
  • Direct shipping routes to all mayor container ports in the world